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3D Seismic Survey

New Frontier Exploration


THE UDOMORE stochastic workflow for reservoir structure produces structural models and associated geometry and volumetrics estimations with maximum accuracy, confidence and speed, even in New Frontier Areas.


In New Frontier Areas, well data is either limited or non-existent. As a result, control on depth conversion is weak and evaluation and ranking of different prospects becomes difficult. Chances are that initial predictions may not be reconciled with new seismic or well data as it becomes available.


Strong uncertainties attached to velocity and time interpretations must be properly addressed in order to derive structural models that are consistent, even at the exploration stage when no well data is available. Using our Stochastic Geophysical Modeling (SGM) technology, you are able to scan all sources of uncertainty on seismic velocity and time and integrate them into a unique probabilistic structural model. Our algorithm delivers consistent predictions, even without well control, that reconcile with new well or seismic data, as it becomes available.


The UDOMORE stochastic workflow for reservoir structure gives you the power to fly through your prospect evaluation and ranking process. You can deliver all the structure modeling and volumetrics estimation outputs you need in a single software run. When seismic is highly uncertain, and turnaround time is critical, our workflow helps you deliver the best results for identifying and ranking prospects.

Associated Workflows

UDOMORE stochastic workflow for reservoir structure


Associated Tools


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