- Authors
- Eric Cauquil1, Vincent Curinier2, Stéphanie Legeron-Cherif3, Florent Piriac3, Alain Leron3, and Nabil Sultan4. (1) DGEP/TDO/TEC/GEO, TOTAL, 24 cours Michelet, Paris La Défense, 92069, France, phone: 33 1 41 35 88 58, eric.cauquil@total.com, (2) TOTAL, Paris, (3) ERMS, (4) IFREMER
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Deepwater geohazards present geophysical signatures including interval velocity anomalies, with high velocity for gas hydrates / hardground and low velocity for gas bearing sediments. This paper […]- Authors
- Jean Luc PIAZZA (TotalFinaElf ), Sarah BOUDON and Luc SANDJIVY (ERM.S*). *ERM.S : Earth Resource Management SERVICES (Fontainebleau – France)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
To what extent does the seismic data actually contribute to reduce the uncertainties attached to the reservoir characterization? This is the question we tried to answer […]- Date
- May 21, 2015
An operator in the north sea planned to drill an exploration well. The only data available for well control was located 4km away from the target […]- Authors
- D. Le Meur Compagnie Générale de Géophysique, Massy, France ; C. Magneron Earth Resource Management Services, France.
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Over the last few years, fast methods for estimating the dense stacking velocity of seismic data has developed. These automated picking methods allow an improvement in […]- Authors
- C. MAGNERON, A. LERON AND L. SANDJIVY ERM.S, 16 rue du Château, 77300 Fontainebleau, France
- Date
- May 19, 2015
The supervision of stacking velocity data sets, whether hand or automatic picking, is crucial before entering the stack process itself or any other pre-stack or post-stack […]- Authors
- F. JUGLA*1, M. RAPIN1, S. LEGERON2, C. MAGNERON2 , L. LIVINGSTONE3 1TOTAL, 2 Place de la Coupole 92078 Paris La Défense (France) 2SEISQUARE 16 Rue du château, 77300 Fontainebleau
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Geostatistical filtering (factorial kriging) was applied to the 1981-1996 time lapse seismic data of the TOTAL UK Alwyn field . The goal was to suppress the […]- Authors
- AUTHORS : LUC SANDJIVY, ALAIN LERON AND SARAH BOUDON (Seisquare) Earth Resource Management SERVICES 16 rue du château 77300 Fontainebleau France
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Major new breakthroughs in geophysical acquisition and processing aim at providing reservoir engineers with detailed and reliable data that contribute to reservoir modeling and monitoring. Although […]- Authors
- L. Sandjivy, C. Magneron, (Seisquare, France),
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Since the 90’s, geostatistics are increasingly and better integrated in the earth model building process [1]. Geostatistics provide a suitable language and dedicated tools to analyse […]- Authors
- Thomas Gronnwald – Luc Sandjivy – Robert Della Malva – Arben Shtuka –– SEISQUARE Jean Luc Mari – IFP SCHOOL
- Date
- May 15, 2015
After having previously successfully compared the factorial kriging filter to their most common geophysical counterparts, a full processing of VSP data using probability modelling (geostatistics) has […]- Authors
- F. Piriac (SeisQuaRe), L. Sandjivy* (SeisQuaRe), A. Shtuka (SeisQuaRe), J.L. Mari (IFP) & C. Haquet (Shell)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Stochastic modelling and processing (sigma processing) has been applied to a real PSDM data set (pre and post stack) in order to evaluate its contribution to […]- Authors
- A. Shtuka* (SeisQuaRe), L. Sandjivy (SeisQuaRe), J.L. Mari (IFP School), J.F.Dutzer (GDF Suez), F. Piriac (SeisQuaRe) & R. Gil (SeisQuaRe)
- Date
- May 15, 2015
Geostatistical “filters” using Factorial Kriging are increasingly used for cleaning geophysical data sets from organized spatial noises that are difficult to get rid of by standard […]- Authors
- Luc Sandjivy (Seisquare) A Shtuka (Seisquare) François Merer (Seisquare)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Despite tremendous progress in acquisition and processing techniques, geophysical data sets continue to carry uncertainty impacting the performance of processing, interpretation and subsurface property modeling workflows. […]- Authors
- Luc Sandjivy (Seisquare) A Shtuka (Seisquare) JL Mari (IFP school ) B Yven (Andra)
- Date
- May 18, 2015
Within its mission to design and build an engineered storage facility for thehigh level radioactive wastes in the eastern Paris Basin, the French National Radioactive Waste […]- Date
- June 18, 2024
At the feasibility stage of a high-level radioactive waste facility in the eastern Paris Basin, the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) has conducted innovative and extensive characterization of the Callovo-Oxfordian argillaceous rock (Cox) and neighboring Oxfordian and Dogger limestones; High resolution 3D seismic data were used to model the distribution of mechanical and hydrogeological properties of the geological formations. Assessing the reliability of the geophysical modelling is crucial for making decision on the design of the level radioactive waste facility. Probabilistic modeling (geostatistics) has been successfully introduced in the geophysical workflow to quantify uncertainty attached to processing and modeling outputs. The result of such a hybrid geophysical- geostatistical processing is increased confidence in seismic interpretation and modeling and reliable operational risk assessment.- Authors
- TIMOTHEE FAUCON, LUC SANDJIVY, (ERM.S 30 av Gal de GAULLE 77210 Fontainebleau AVON France)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Objective: removal of dipping effect in 3D amplitude variography Consider a dipping amplitude cube: Variography is strongly impacted by dipping Computing variogram along structural components should […]- Authors
- A Case Study Comparing Wiener and Kriging Filters L. Sandjivy, T. Faucon, T. Gronnwald – SEISQUARE / J-L. Mari – IFP SCHOOL
- Date
- May 15, 2015
Why should we use probability models for processing seismic amplitude data? How spatial filters such as factorial kriging compare to their deterministic counter parts? It is […]