- Authors
- Eric Cauquil1, Vincent Curinier2, Stéphanie Legeron-Cherif3, Florent Piriac3, Alain Leron3, and Nabil Sultan4. (1) DGEP/TDO/TEC/GEO, TOTAL, 24 cours Michelet, Paris La Défense, 92069, France, phone: 33 1 41 35 88 58, eric.cauquil@total.com, (2) TOTAL, Paris, (3) ERMS, (4) IFREMER
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Deepwater geohazards present geophysical signatures including interval velocity anomalies, with high velocity for gas hydrates / hardground and low velocity for gas bearing sediments. This paper […]- Authors
- Jean Luc PIAZZA (TotalFinaElf ), Sarah BOUDON and Luc SANDJIVY (ERM.S*). *ERM.S : Earth Resource Management SERVICES (Fontainebleau – France)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
To what extent does the seismic data actually contribute to reduce the uncertainties attached to the reservoir characterization? This is the question we tried to answer […]- Authors
- Luc Sandjivy (Seisquare) A Shtuka (Seisquare) François Merer (Seisquare)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Despite tremendous progress in acquisition and processing techniques, geophysical data sets continue to carry uncertainty impacting the performance of processing, interpretation and subsurface property modeling workflows. […]- Authors
- J.L. Mari a, B. Yven b,* a IFP Énergies nouvelles, IFP School, 92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex, France b Andra, 1-7 parc de la Croix Blanche, 92298 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France
- Date
- May 19, 2015
In the context of a deep geological repository of high-level radioactive wastes, the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) has conducted an extensive characterization of […]- Authors
- Carlos Eduardo Abreu, PETROBRAS Catherine Formento, SeisQuaRe
- Date
- May 19, 2015
Although major care is usually taken during the steps of acquisition and processing regarding the quality of the final seismic data volumes, reservoir geophysicists still face […]- Authors
- Shtuka Arben, Piriac Florent and Sandjivy Luc (SEISQUARE, France)
- Date
- May 19, 2015
When dealing with reservoir characterization using seismic, whatever the algorithm used for inverting the seismic data into reservoir properties, one has to deal with the fact […]